ENIGMA is a software designed and created with the goal to rapidly improve the efficiency of creating applications. By creating a software which builds other software, ENIGMA revolutionises the ways in which organisations approach internal and external challenges.
ENIGMA allows you to have unparalleled agility and adaption when operating in database dependent business environment. All while providing world class security which is inherently built into it’s architecture.
ENIGMA streamlines the process of application development by allowing users to focus on functional attributes while it handles all of the the coding and generation.
The use of pre-defined code by the generator reduces and simplifies application testing. Typically more than 99% of code is generated using Artificial Intelligence to assemble proven code.
ENIGMA allows you to continue work even during the design and analysis phases of development, as the generated application is kept separate from the work environment.
Methods are also available for intervention in the Programs. Intervention allows operations to be created that are not available through standard generation.
We believe that security should be a top priority, not something tacked on post development. All ENIGMA generated applications are inherently secure by design.
Generation of ENIGMA programs provides consistency in data editing, formatting and presentation.
We believe that security should be a top priority, not something tacked-on post development or handled by a middle man. All ENIGMA products operate as Client/Server applications. Our Net2Core® structure provides Inherent Cyber-Security within the generated application.
If open Internet access to the application through a browser is required, the implementation uses our access controller GateWay to provide increased protection.
The best way to predict the future is to create it.
Abraham Lincoln
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Our mission is the advancement of Application Development and Programming Automation
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