Automated Application Development is now a reality

Enigma Logo Secure Integrated Development Environment

Automated Application Development is now a reality Enigma is narrow artificial intelligence software capable of creating fully functional applications with no coding required by the analyst. This means it can deliver applications, which would usually take a team of programmers months, in a matter of days. The analyst supplies information about the Data, the Information […]

Is Enigma the start of a 6GL revolution?

There is an interesting discussion on CodeProject concerning making a simple programming language and what that may look like.  Link to: ramming Language to see the whole discussion on “Simplix” (for want of a better name).   Is Enigma the start of a 6GL revolution?   Why Simplix? – Why not dispense with language? […]

Participation of Parametric Systems at the ACS Canberra 2017 Annual Conference

Parametric Systems has successfully participated in the ACS Canberra 2017 Annual Conference. The Conference went well.  Many brochures and business cards were distributed.  Good discussion with several attendees and requests to join our Linked-In page followed. Our presentation went well to a good audience .  Our stand received a lot of attention.  We finished up […]