ENIGMA is not a programming language

Enigma Logo Secure Integrated Development Environment

Quora is a web site where members ask questions on a multitude of topics while others share their point of view in response.  This came up in the Technical forum and needed an answer. What is a disruptive programming language idea? How about dispensing with programming language?  Does that qualify?  Would that disrupt the information […]

6GL – A discussion

There is an interesting discussion on CodeProject concerning 6GL and what that may look like.  Link to: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1167844/What-Might-a-GL-Look-Like to see the whole discussion. 6GL – A DISCUSSION   It is interesting how the language generations have moved over time from a progression (1st, 2nd, 3rd) into data storage and retrieval (4th) and then into the […]